I thought I'd just share this recipe with you all - I came across it 2 weeks ago in my quest for the perfect rice krispie snack! I hasten to add it's perfect in my eyes when I'm not on a diet or a health kick. The only drawback is everybody loves it so much they eat it immediately!
So you need:
3 Mars bars,
3 oz butter,
2 tbsps of golden syrup
Enough rice krispies to be coated nicely with the melted chocolate mix(roughly about 5-6 oz)
Melt the mars bars, butter and syrup together.
Pour over your rice krispies - if you're really lucky you can hear them crackle!
Put the mix into a deep dish lined with greaseproof paper, and press down.
Place to one side until cool. By this I mean hide them!!
When it's cooled down then cut into squares or rectangles. You can also melt some milk chocolate and pour over the top of the mix to create a wonderful chocolate topping. I don't do this but only because I feel I have to draw the calorie line somewhere!
You could of course adapt this and make little Easter baskets (we're always trying to be relevant and seasonal) out of shredded wheat and I'm positive there must be something you could make out of wheatos. The field of cereals and melted chocolate knows no bounds!!! If you're feeling really daring you could melt marshmallows - wait for the sugar rush.
Hope you like the recipe and enjoy the snacks - this may well be something that you've done for ages and is a bit old hat but shame on you for not sharing it!!